Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Fucking Awesome Rant Is Not What This Is.

OK. I seriously need to commit waaayyyy more time to this.  Blogging, I mean. After a long day at work, what I often do is totally chill out.  A nice dinner with the hubby followed by watching TV or reading books together (or separately), stretching, more reading, and to bed. It's a routine.  I'm used to it.  I like, it even.

The problem with this precious routine is that it gets in the way of this writing thing that I'm supposed to do. (Sigh).

How can a writer exist without writing?  It's like a light bulb with no filament.   It don't work.

So, a new habit is in much needed order.  And I'm gonna need your help.

I enjoy having some accountability in my life (in small doses or never), and I've come to the conclusion that writing requires a bit o that.  Right?

I am committing to one blog per week.  I know that may not seem like much to the blogger-extraordinaire who shits out four posts a week. But some of us are a bit, well, challenged (read lazy).

You should know that I'm probably going to write about lots of different shit.  You know, feminism, pussies, curly hair, misogyny, spirituality, my period, cultural appropriation, gluten free coconut donuts, my obsession with style, and how I manage to stay so fat and cute. #MyFatIsCute

Me want now.
A Vagina Apple. I've never had one.

And so, it is with substantial curly hair, a mega-watt smile and sorta side-eye, that I ask you to check me. If you are one of the five people who read my blog, and don't see a witty post in more than seven days, then I authorize you to message me and say, "Get yo shit together, gurl!"  And I will not cut you. That is my solemn promise.

I won't really cut you. I just liked this meme.

I'm done.  I told you this was not going to be fucking awesome.

Ciao for niao,


  1. can't wait to see what this will bring!

  2. I hear you Pia!
    After a long day all I want to do is curl up with the hubster and watch tv, or chat on fb..which makes me lazy to post a blog! And we have so many ideas! I look forward to your weekly posts, and will be glad to help kick butt ;) btw, that vagina apple? Ingenius!

  3. This is totally fucking awesome! If there is anything that I, your loyal reader, can do to support you (besides sending motivational e-mails that will definitely not get me cut) please just let me know! Thanks for the work that you do, I can't wait to read more.


  4. LOVE! I am glad you're planning to write more (as I am your biggest fan). xoxoxo!
